Sunday, December 25, 2005


Here it is..the official Barb headspace...yep...its crazy...its random...and its a place for me to cough up my thoughts and leak them onto a page..i am hungry to has been a very long time since i have let myself mouth has long been the authority in my expression light of this i need to put that boca to rest in order to let my fingers do the talking for a change...

cliches are so touche..

it seems that i have around twenty voices clammering for attention. My interests are so widespread that i feel in a constant state of fast forward....when i do quiet myself it actually grows so loud that i move my body to fidget in order to block out the yelling inside. A lot has foundations have been displaced...I am questioning everthing i believed since i was a child. I change my mind twenty times a day and feel as if my thoughts are constantly taking on new form...i am liquid and longing to mind has become a mess of dread locks in a state of direpair..

i plod forward...on and on placing one foot in front of the other...this is what i've been taught..this is what i know...stepping rythmically..always senses alive yet dulled purposefully...

lately..stepping off the path..lingering in a place of taboo...wondering at the new sensations i this growth...or do i step deeper into confusion? My friends stand by dutifully...i am blessed with such lovely and supportive a sample on repeat i churn out the same sad story..over and over and over...robotically going through the motions without change.

i am sleeping. in hibernation.. body screams...i am so alive..ready to burst if not given the chance to create..

i feel..i want...i long....i..i..i..

i feel is all i can write...

iiiiiiii am so self consumed..

i'm glad its shocks me into living. everytime i see my breath fan out in front of me i'm relieved. this first piece of writing reveals my pent nature. There is much good to say..but negativity is the scum which rises to the surface of the pool. it needs to be skimmed off the top in an attempt to get to cleaner water. I am very often hard on myself. the world seems to fade all around me and i feel urgency to right myself in contrast to what i see around me.

i'm going to let myself write without possibly find myself written between the lines.


Blogger anthony said...

Wow Barb. You're really good with language. I've known this side of you through conversation, but have never actually read your writing before.
I can still relate to the questioning. The more I know the less I know seems to be my progression. Conviction is a difficult word. I wonder how, in the past, I was able to form convictions so easily. It now takes so much for me to be truly convinced. I guess it takes God, and Him alone........
Anyway, bless ya Barb.

8:22 AM  

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