Sunday, December 25, 2005


i have no sense of christmas. holidays seem to have lost their gleam in a rollercoaster of kitch.

the most beautiful thing about this christmas was the amount of friends who invited me to join in their christmas celebrations. it was really touching. that was chritmas for me. the realization that i am appreciated and that i love many people in return.

i am not an island. but often feel disconnected from traditional family practises.

i miss my family.

Christ seems like a lingering smell which evokes memory. when i breathe in sulfer mingled with wax i think on him...but find it difficult to find him in the services which retell his story. he is trapped on a flannel board in two dimension. this year i could not help thinking on how Christ is so very white and north american in my mind. i have many jewish friends and wonder how they picture Christ in their minds. its funny that i serve a man/God who is outside my ethnic traditions. who is the Jewish Christ and why is he north american in portrayal.

hes called the prince of peace. funny..he should be renamed the prince of conflict. i have never encountered one man who created so many uncomfortable conversations.

most of my friends agree that their is a God...but Christ brings on a whole new level of division. its wonder and agony in the same breath. this leads me to question...who is this Christ...and why do i love him.....

i know what i've seen

i know what i've felt

but still i wrestle..

one man...only one...

i am so limited in my understanding...

assumption will be my undoing.


Blogger anthony said...

You're absolutely right about him bringing division, at least to this world. He introduced a new order and dominion in Himself, one that's not of this world. And this peace is only realized to the degree that we abide in Him....
But it's still a tough pill to swallow a lot of the time, to be sure.

On a different note, it's fun that you're blogging now too. I think that all of my best friends are now blogging!

Hopefully we can do coffee on Friday....

8:07 AM  
Blogger rachel elizabeth said...

Barb! So wonderfully excited that you have started blogging! Mostly for selfish reasons I guess, because now I can in some way stay in touch with you!

How could I express how much I miss hanging with you! Reading your posts has really made my heart miss your company -your friendship!- I miss hearing your wonderful laugh as we drive around the 'peg, your beautiful smile as you hear some music you love or see someone you care about.

I hope our paths cross again soon, I will give ya call soon...lovin' you lots girl...keep in touch.

8:23 PM  
Blogger Stephanie said...

yea Barb! Since I never see you at home I can hear/read what's going on in your life on your blog.

Bless you big!

10:36 AM  

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