Tuesday, February 20, 2007

some recent pics of issy and me

isaac and i dealing with being apart for a glorious 3 1/2 months


the silence is over...

yes, thats right, i am blogging again! I finally feel that i have something to say...much has happened....although most of you are aware thati will be marrying Isaac Morton on June 16th....i also just found out that this is Sheri McConell's birthaday! what an honor...

as i was showering this morning, i began to think about this funny pizza delivery man named Dudley...he delivered my pizza 2 nights ago, and i used to work with him at cafe 22...hes in his 40's and has been delivering pizza for i think 20 years or so...anyways he rambles incessently and began talking about global warming....he said that we have around 50-100 years before its a ll over....

well,i am not sure how acurate those figures are, but either way its a frightening thought...as i was showering i added 50 years onto my present age...of course i rounded it up to 30...so in fifty more years i would be 80...i was flooded with the reality of my possible death at the age of 80. i hope, that with a heatlhy lifestyle i could live beyond this...but it made me understand why 45 year old men/women, rush out and try to live the fastest, youngest life they can, faced with the reality that they too could die soon. its a big thought...one life, one chance. it made me very somber...and i asked myself, am i living my life as i truly desire....will i regret my decisions?

suddenly i felt an overwhelming urge to love God as best as i can, to live a full and good life and to no longer let fear prevent me from doing the things i love. in many areas...fear holds me back from succeeding...a word used loosely as success to me equates being true to your heart....i realize that this is idealistic, but at the same time it really challenged me to move forward with my dreams and not to settle for an average life (average to me) for the sake of comfort and ease....

i really want to explore and live. there is so much i want to see and do...i realize that all of this requires stuggle and risk, but for some reason i was all the more excited to undertake that reality...in exchange for a possible life with no bounds....

so what do i love, what do i dream for, what is realistic (hee hee)

i will ponder this today....

and start tommorow...(lets hope)